Ospite dell’incontro: Francesco Cerritelli
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Mercoledì 01 luglio 2020 ore 20.30
Dr. Francesco Cerritelli, DO, PhD in neuroscienze presso l’Universitàdi Chieti-Pescara, è presidente della fondazione di ricerca Onlus C.O.ME. Collaboration.
Largo interesse nell’ambito della ricerca osteopatica e salute focalizzandosi principalmente sui meccanismi sottesi all’efficacia del trattamento manipolativo osteopatico, il tocco e sugli aspetti interdisciplinari della medicina basata sull’evidenza.
Cerritelli F, van Dun PLS, Esteves JE, Consorti G, Sciomachen P, Lacorte E, Vanacore N; OPERA-IT Group. The Italian Osteopathic Practitioners Estimates and RAtes (OPERA) study: A cross sectional survey. PLoS One. 2019 Jan 25;14(1)
Cerritelli F, Pizzolorusso G, Ciardelli F, La Mola E, Cozzolino V, Renzetti C, D'Incecco C, Fusilli P, Sabatino G, Barlafante G. Effect of osteopathic manipulative treatment on length of stay in a population of preterm infants: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatr. 2013 Apr 26;13:65
Cerritelli F, Cicchitti L, Martelli M, Barlafante G, Renzetti C, Pizzolorusso
G, Lupacchini M, D'Orazio M, Marinelli B, Cozzolino V, Fusilli P, D'Incecco C. Osteopathic manipulative treatment and pain in preterms: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2015 Mar 8;16:84.
Cerritelli F, Pizzolorusso G, Renzetti C, Cozzolino V, D'Orazio M, Lupacchini M, Marinelli B, Accorsi A, Lucci C, Lancellotti J, Ballabio S, Castelli C, Molteni D, Besana R, Tubaldi L, Perri FP, Fusilli P, D'Incecco C, Barlafante G. A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of osteopathic manipulative treatment on preterms. PLoS One. 2015 May 14;10(5)
Cerritelli F, Lacorte E, Ruffini N, Vanacore N. Osteopathy for primary headache patients: a systematic review. J Pain Res. 2017 Mar 14;10:601-611.
Cerritelli F, Ruffini N, Lacorte E, Vanacore N. Osteopathic manipulative treatment in neurological diseases: Systematic review of the literature. J Neurol Sci. 2016 Oct 15;369:333-341.
Cerritelli F, Ginevri L, Messi G, Caprari E, Di Vincenzo M, Renzetti C, Cozzolino V, Barlafante G, Foschi N, Provinciali L. Clinical effectiveness of osteopathic treatment in chronic migraine: 3-Armed randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Apr;23(2):149-56
Cerritelli F, Verzella M, Cicchitti L, D'Alessandro G, Vanacore N. The paradox of sham therapy and placebo effect in osteopathy: A systematic review. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Aug;95(35):e4728
Cerritelli F, Martelli M, Renzetti C, Pizzolorusso G, Cozzolino V, Barlafante G. Introducing an osteopathic approach into neonatology ward: the NE-O model. Chiropr Man Therap. 2014 May 9;22:18.
D'Alessandro G, Cerritelli F, Cortelli P. Sensitization and Interoception as Key Neurological Concepts in Osteopathy and Other Manual Medicines. Front Neurosci. 2016 Mar 10;10:100.
Ruffini N, D'Alessandro G, Mariani N, Pollastrelli A, Cardinali L, Cerritelli F. Variations of high frequency parameter of heart rate variability following osteopathic manipulative treatment in healthy subjects compared to control group and sham therapy: randomized controlled trial. Front Neurosci. 2015 Aug 4;9:272.
Ruffini N, D'Alessandro G, Cardinali L, Frondaroli F, Cerritelli F. Osteopathic manipulative treatment in gynecology and obstetrics: A systematic review. Complement Ther Med. 2016 Jun;26:72-8.
Cicchitti L, Martelli M, Cerritelli F. Chronic inflammatory disease and osteopathy: a systematic review. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 17;10(3):e0121327.
Martelli M, Cardinali L, Barlafante G, Pizzolorusso G, Renzetti C, Cerritelli F. Do placebo effects associated with sham osteopathic procedure occur in newborns? Results of a randomized controlled trial. Complement Ther Med. 2014 Apr;22(2):197-202
Manzotti A, Cerritelli F, Esteves JE, Lista G, Lombardi E, La Rocca S, Gallace A, McGlone FP, Walker SC. Dynamic touch reduces physiological arousal in preterm infants: A role for c-tactile afferents? Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2019
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